Freddie Blue Inner Warrior close up

Freddie Blue Inner Warrior close up

This product is made in Yorkshire and Humberside
By Freddie Blue

Stones used and their healing properties. Snowflake Obsidian Helps heal trauma, loss, and grief. Clears physical, emotional, and spiritual tension. Release stressful mental patterns, and releases ‘wrong thinking’. Releases emotional blockages allowing healing. Rudraksha Seeds Protective charms believed the shield the wearer from negative energies and malefic influences. Enhance the flow od positive energy. Increases vitality and strength. Note: Do not wear during menstrual cycles or funerals as they can absorb negative energies, which can impact on their effectiveness Tree of life Symbolises Immortality and eternal life. It connects us to our ancestral roots and divinity. Represents knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment. Represents infinite and divine love.

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